Learn the Right Time to Paint Your Smokestacks and Why It Must Be a Priority

Many smokestacks in industrial buildings are metal, reinforced concrete, or brick. This means that high temperatures, UV rays, humidity, rainwater, wind, and other elements can take a toll on them. One way you can reduce this damage is through regular inspections and maintenance from painting contractors. This team can recognize early signs of deterioration. They can also offer industrial spray painting services to help extend the life of your smokestacks.

Common Smokestack Issues

A common problem with industrial smokestacks is tiny cracks in the coatings. The constant exposure to the elements contributes to this problem. As water and other moisture slowly seep through the cracks, the metal portion will begin to corrode. Eventually, this will cause the concrete portion to spall, which means the surface will begin to flake off.

Another common issue is interior deterioration. When the temperatures rise and acid attacks, the interior can have problems. If your facility is near the coast, the sea air can make your smokestacks deteriorate even faster. The good news is that there are many coatings available to prevent this deterioration. The right time to choose spray painting services is before you notice damage, not after.

Click here for more information

Contact Details:

Industry Painting Ltd.
121 Apache Trail, Toronto,
ON, M2H 2J1
Phone No: 647-831-6201
Email Id: info@industrypainting.ca


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